Trim White Spaces from NSString
Once i was coding and got stuck over removing spaces from NSString. To trim preceding, succeeding & white spaces in between a NSString use below snippet: NSString *whitespaceString = @" This is a string with white spaces " ; NSLog ( @"String before trimming white spaces: %@" , whitespaceString); whitespaceString = [whitespaceString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet :[ NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet ]]; while ([whitespaceString rangeOfString : @" " ]. location != NSNotFound ) whitespaceString = [whitespaceString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @" " withString : @" " ]; NSLog ( @"String after trimming white spaces: %@" , whitespaceString); OR - A better approach using NSPredicate NSString *stringWithSpaces = @" ...