Stack in SwiftUI
In previous post we have used Stack but i have not explained it there.
SwiftUI allows us to add nested Stacks too means you can have a HStack inside a VStack or vice-versa or any other combinations.
SwiftUI has categorized Stack into 3 types:
1. HStack - Horizontal Stack
2. VStack - Vertical Stack
3. ZStack - Z Index Stack
1. HStack - If you want to place UI horizontally use this type.
Code Snipped:
Explanation - Here i have created a HStack and added two Color's namely red and blue.
Now you would like to ask me how you can add a Color instead of a View!!!
So in SwiftUI we can treat Color also as a View, let me elaborate it.
It will draw a View within a provided space by the HStack and fill it with the provided Color and returns it as a View.
Output of Code Snippet:
2. VStack - This will add a Vertical Stack to your View.
Code Snippet:
Explanation - Similar to HStack here we have the VStack it will place the items in Vertical manner. Red color on top and blue color on bottom.
Output of Code Snippet:
3. ZStack - If you want to place items one above another this is the one you can use.
Code Snippet:
Explanation -
Sometimes we need to place some item above other, like a Text on Image. So here we have a ZStack here to make it simple. I have placed a Text above the Color.
Output of Code Snippet:
Here is a code snippet for nested Stack:
Explanation - I have added a VStack inside HStack, so the left side will have two Color Views red and green.
Output of Code Snipped:
SwiftUI allows us to add nested Stacks too means you can have a HStack inside a VStack or vice-versa or any other combinations.
SwiftUI has categorized Stack into 3 types:
1. HStack - Horizontal Stack
2. VStack - Vertical Stack
3. ZStack - Z Index Stack
1. HStack - If you want to place UI horizontally use this type.
Code Snipped:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Explanation - Here i have created a HStack and added two Color's namely red and blue.
Now you would like to ask me how you can add a Color instead of a View!!!
So in SwiftUI we can treat Color also as a View, let me elaborate it.
It will draw a View within a provided space by the HStack and fill it with the provided Color and returns it as a View.
Output of Code Snippet:
2. VStack - This will add a Vertical Stack to your View.
Code Snippet:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Explanation - Similar to HStack here we have the VStack it will place the items in Vertical manner. Red color on top and blue color on bottom.
Output of Code Snippet:
3. ZStack - If you want to place items one above another this is the one you can use.
Code Snippet:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Text("This is On the Top of Red Color View")
Explanation -
Sometimes we need to place some item above other, like a Text on Image. So here we have a ZStack here to make it simple. I have placed a Text above the Color.
Output of Code Snippet:
Here is a code snippet for nested Stack:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
VStack {
Explanation - I have added a VStack inside HStack, so the left side will have two Color Views red and green.
Output of Code Snipped:
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